Our desire is that the women of Westkirk will be familiar and comfortable with the entirety of the Scriptures, “so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to him; bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10).
The women of Westkirk (and friends!) meet Tuesday nights at 7 PM to study and discuss the Word of God. Our pattern is to rotate through an Old Testament book, a topical study, and a New Testament book.
Our time together looks something like this:
-Ice breaker question and introductions
-Prayer/reading of Scripture
-Discussion of Study Guide Questions
-Prayer Requests
Join Us!
The women of Westkirk (and friends!) meet Tuesday nights at 7 PM to study and discuss the Word of God. Our pattern is to rotate through an Old Testament book, a topical study, and a New Testament book.
Our time together looks something like this:
-Ice breaker question and introductions
-Prayer/reading of Scripture
-Discussion of Study Guide Questions
-Prayer Requests
Join Us!